OMG, a post on Saturday? What the heckers? It's not even Tuesday....I'm trying folks, R.E.A.L.L.Y.
Well, I just had to share Lauren's NEW Bedding! Yep, changed it up again. Remember I bought her that beautiful chenille bedspread? We incorporated it into her new bedding, and by we I mean Maureen Mahoney of 2and2Together. I had the 'dream' and she has the MAD SKILLS! Crazy mad skills.
She created the bedspread, pillow sham, throw pillow and stool cover. I sent her the chenille bedspread, and then ordered the rest of the fabric online and had it shipped to her. Did I mention, the bedspread is reversible! She even created slits in the end to accommodate the bed!
Have you ever seen anything more lovely? I adore the ruffles on the pillow sham, they are to die for!
I kept the color monochromatic, after convoing Maureen, she really has an eye for color and pattern.
What a yummy throw pillow, love the rosettes and the minky fabric.
I'm so jealous, I may trade rooms with her!
The stool is adorable, and just finishes the room!
Here are pictures of everything else she has done for me so far.
Powder bath sink skirt. Love the pleats! It's attached with velcro so I can wash it too! Genius.
Bench for the foot of my bed. I still need to order a piece of foam, to help hide the tufting.
Ottoman cover, again with the pleating. I heart pleats.
Future projects, coming soon.
She is designing bedding for my son's room using men's suiting next. Then another sink skirt, for the 'new house' and a shower curtain for the master. The list goes on really. I just wish she lived closer, I wonder if she would like to come live with me? Hmmmm....
Thanks for stopping by! Love xx