I woke up a week ago and said "let's strip some paint", and let's I meant me. All by myself, little old me alone with some Citristrip and basic tools. Wire bruse, putty knife, sponge, bucket of water and lots and lots of paper towels.. So many paper towels that I ran out and the project was delayed a day until I could buy some more.
During, and by during I mean about 6 hours into stripping. Just so we are clear, this isn't half way. It took me 16 hours, yes that says 16 hours, to strip this piece. So many legs and details, but I wouldn't change a thing. Knowing what I know now. I would strip it again.
Done stripping, she's so pretty, but she now that she's bare naked her flaws are starting to show. Poor girl, I know how she feels! So I fixed her flaws, a little filler here and there and some custom paint to cover her legs and details.
Finished! Isn't she grand? I may be partial, I have a lot of work into her, so of course I think she's amazing. She almost looks NEW!
Close up of all her gorgeousness, that's a word right? If not, it should be. I stained all her wooden parts with a dark walnut, to cut down on the yellow tint she had going on and wiped her down with two coats of Minwax wipe on poly. Wipe on poly is genius in a can. Run out now and buy some. The custom color was a happy accident. It's 4 pts Wrought Iron by La Craie (Maison Blanch, French chalk paint), 1 pt Emperor's Silk by ASCP, and two parts Pearl Plaster by Artisan Enhancements. Together they created this yummy Plum with the perfect pearl sheen! Swoon

This is stunning!!!!!! I love it!
Take Care,
Mandy Jean
This is stunning!!!!!! I love it!
Take Care,
Mandy Jean
Wow, it really is a fabulous piece, such beautiful wood. I know it was a lot of work, but what a treasure. Hugs, Marty
WOW! There are tons of folks who like painted wood but I'm not really a fan. I enjoy beautiful wood and this wood is fabulously beautiful!Very nice work; well done.
Oh Oh Oh! That is just too gorgeous! Wonderful vision Tammy.
Stunning! Wow did you find that on Craig's List or something? Just asking because I read that you like to do that. Either way it's beautiful. I think this is my first time to visit you. Off to snoop around. :)
Beautiful, Tammy! What a gorgeous piece.
What an incredible job; can hardly believe the difference it makes!
أرخص اسعار المصاعد بمصر حيث يعتبر المصعد من اهم الاشياء التي لا يمكن الاستغناء عنها ومن اهم الاشياء التي يستخدمها الشخص لنقل الافراد من طابق الى طابق اخر دون بذل اي جهد وخاصة في المؤسسات والمستشفيات والشركات لنقل كبار السن بدلا من تسلق السلم.
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