Monday, January 31, 2011
My CSN Give Away Order!!!

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 5:16 PM 5 comments
Labels: csn, give away, memory foam topper, winner
Monday's Measurements ~ Week 1 Done!!!

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 10:27 AM 4 comments
Labels: kristi approved, live the life, measurements, weight loss
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My "New" Desk and Other Office Pics

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 6:54 PM 15 comments
Labels: Chairs, desk, loft, office, staple gun
Nest Pillow Give Away Winner!!!!! and Other News
Congrats Allison @ FabRehabCreations, you are the Nest Pillow Give Away Winner!!!!! Thanks to every one who entered. I appreciate each and every one of my followers, you guys are the BEST!!! (I used Random.org to generate the winner, #4)
Check back when I hit 150 for another give away. This time it'll be a piece of art, an original black and white PHOTO, in your choice of sizes. Pinky Swear, I didn't take the pic, but a fabulous Photographer with tons of experience. (definitely not me!)
Okay last bit of news. The Live the Life Give Away is going to be extended until next Saturday, I'll announce the winner on Sunday Feb 6th. Still in plenty of time for the winner to get ready for summer and pool! (trust me right there with ya!)
Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 3:12 PM 3 comments
Labels: give away, live the life, nest pillow
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Quick Update...Busy Day
Hey guys, I know I have some winners to reveal and some comments to reply to, I'm going to try my hardest to get that done today. I'm super busy. My handyman just came over and took down my old desk and put in my 'new' one. I promise a post on the 'new' desk soon.
You all know my little girly has been sick, and I've gotten way behind as a result. I hate to disappoint anyone, but think of it this way, you have that much longer to enter the two give aways I have going on.
Thanks for understanding, I promise to be back again today, but tomorrow for sure. Even if I have to pull an all nighter!!! Love ya! xx
Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 10:33 AM 3 comments
Labels: update
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Anything Goes Party #1 and a few Valentines Day Crafts
Welcome to my first Anything Goes Party! Where Anything Goes! Just Party your little hearts out. =)
There are no rules, just a couple requests.
1. Please follow the blog. This way I can find you more easily if I choose to feature your project!
2. Please leave a link back to the party so others can join the fun! I even have a button if you want to use it.
3. Link anything you want to show off, as many you want. Etsy shops welcome. (I heart Etsy)
Ready Set Go, Link!

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 12:01 AM 19 comments
Labels: link party, valentines day
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wasatch Women Ad for Live the Life and an Update...
I just found this great ad for Live the Life in Wasatch Women, you can see it here. Live the Life posted it on their Facebook page. I've never read this online magazine before, but I did take a second to flip through...click through it? It looks really interesting, it's geared toward women, and our crazy busy lives. If you check it out let me know what you think.
Next item of business. Please don't forget my link party starts tomorrow, Anything Goes. Link as much as you want, just have fun. I can't wait to see what every one has been up too.
Now a diet update. I'm really trying to keep this to a weekly post, but I wanted to share a couple things. I obviously made it through the first day, nope didn't die from the lower calories. I actually wasn't hungry, of course I could have eaten out of boredom, but no hunger pains. Which is a GOOD thing, I hate being hungry.
My last little tid bit is about the supplement they want you to take prior to your work out, Nitric Oxide. It is suppose to help you work out longer and harder. I didn't buy it, instead I bought L-Arginine. This is the main ingredient in Nitric Oxide, and I wanna just say, it WORKS.
I thought I could tell the difference yesterday when I worked my little heart out, but I know for sure it worked today. My poor little girl got up at 2 am this morning puking her every lovin' guts out. Needless to say, after changing the bedding, cleaning her, the bedroom and bathroom up, not once, not twice, but THREE times, and did I mention the four loads of laundry that I did before 8 am? I was so tired this morning, I just new I wouldn't be able to work out, but I did and I feel great. So there you go, my little update.
Thanks for stopping by, I'm gonna go climb in bed with the kids and watch a movie and relax.

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 3:29 PM 4 comments
Labels: live the life, wasatch women
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Blog Guidebook
Okay, do I live under a rock? I thought I was pretty in the know...not so much. I just found The Blog Guidebook, thanks to Sarah@Different Dog for leaving a comment with a link. What I mean by found it is, I read my email.
I'm gonna go sign up with them, it's free, and they will list your blog for you. Plus they have a ton of Classes, How To's and other Resources. It looks pretty awesome.
Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 8:58 PM 2 comments
Labels: the blog guidebook
Monday's Measurements
Okay, like I promised, the 411 on big 'ol me! I have to say, I was really surprised when I stepped on the scale. I didn't know it had gotten that bad. The real scary part is three weeks ago it was worse. I've been watching what I eat and exercising this entire year so far.
Live the Life is what I need to be serious, to be more accountable. It's only 1 hour into day one, and so far so good!!! I'm half way through my first of six mini meals, and I'm feeling positive. My eating plan is the same everyday but the exercise portion changes from day to day with Sundays off to rest.

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 7:40 AM 6 comments
Labels: diet, exercise, kristi approved, live the life, measurements, weight loss
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Live the Life, The Kristi Approved Program
I'm not even gonna sugar coat it....I have weight to lose, more than I care to admit. I would love to blame it on quitting smoking, but really I shoveled the food into my mouth, the whole time sitting on my bum. (my really big bum!)
Now it's time to do something about it, I'm not getting any younger...now if there were only a program for age loss?
I searched the web and finally found a program that fit me. I used to watch what I eat and exercise daily, so I know what to do, I just wanted a support team. This program makes you accountable for your losses, and is clear and easy to follow. I love easy.
They even have a program for men, so husbands and wives can do this together. My hubby is in Afghanistan, and a BEEF CAKE already, just another reason to lose weight. Sigh.
I don't want you to think that I'm doing this for purely cosmetic reasons, but I'm not gonna lie, I want to look better. Who doesn't? I do have health issues that this program will help, and let's face it I want to feel as good as I look. Plus my family needs me to be healthy and fit. I'm 38 with a 6 and 3 year old...and I need to be able to keep up with them.
So who wants to do the program with me? The wonderful folks at Kristi Approved are offering $25 off Phase 1. There are a few rules.
1. Sign up for the 7 Day Challenge here.
2. Like them on Facebook here.
3. Follow my blog.
And here's some even better news, they are offering Phase 1 for Women to ONE lucky WINNER! Yep a give away too! This is a $150 value, FREE! Entry Rules are the following.
1. Sign up for the 7 Day Challenge here. Comment on this post.
2. Like them on Facebook here. Comment on this post.
3. Follow my blog. Comment on this post.
4. Blog about this give away. Comment on this post.
Looks kinda familiar? So easy peasy. You can even put it all in one comment, what ever is easiest for you. I will use a random generator to select the winner next Sunday, January 30th. Then I will email the winner to work out the details.
I'm starting the program in the morning, and I will do a weekly post about my stats and progress. Check back tomorrow for all the befores, weight, measurements and pictures! I know I'm a little off, before pictures are scary! Yikes.

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 4:22 PM 10 comments
Labels: diet, exercise, give away, kristi approved, live the life, weight loss
Friday, January 21, 2011
Give Away and Some Other News.....
Thank you to all of my fabulous followers!!! I just hit 100! Triple digits is so COOL! I promised more info once I hit 100 so here it goes.

Thanks and good luck!!!

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 10:43 PM 17 comments
Labels: give away, link party
A Few Changes, A Give Away and an Affiliate
I know it sounds like a lot, I guess it is. Let's start with the changes, remember here where I was asking for some decorating help? Well, I want to thank everyone for their comments and want to share some of the changes I made.
Of course this doesn't mean I'm done making changes to these areas, these are just the current changes. Who knows if I'll ever be DONE! My poor family. =)

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 10:40 AM 6 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tea for Three ~ Lauren's Third Birthday

Posted by Tammy @ Type A at 9:43 AM 4 comments
Labels: Lauren, tea party, third birthday