I'm pretty sure I was the last person to hear about this jewelry line. I live under a rock, a very decorated and organized rock!
You all know my hubby lives in Afghanistan, so I don't get out much. My main focus has been the kids and the house. Recently I thought maybe I should do something fun for me.
Insert Origami Owl consultant Kim Wilt, she came over and set up the cutest jewelry bar ever! I invited my friends, we had treats and drinks and shopped. It was a fun evening. Plus I bought some really cute stuff for me and the girl! Christmas is coming, great gift idea.
This is mine, gold of course. I really love the selection of chains, charms and lockets. I will have to buy more soon!
A few close ups.
I think my favorite charm is the Buddha, it has been my daughters nick name since she was about 3 months old. She had a round belly, what can I say, I'm not that original!
This is for Lauren, she wanted silver, so silver it is. I'm hoping she will come to the gold side as she gets older.
I let her pick out everything, it's going to be a stocking stuffer. I love that she wanted a 'MOM' charm, cause she loves me so much!
If you have a necklace or get one, I would love to see it!
Thanks for stopping by!