I’m currently suffering from what I like to call a Case of the Crazies. Crazy busy….
But despite my ‘illness’ I’m back blog world! I’ve decided no matter how busy I am, I need to take some time for me and what I enjoy. I enjoy my blog. So here I am, after way to long.
When I last posted in August, gulp, we had just moved in. So that was fun, not! Moving by your self is never fun, but I servived so it’s all good. What have I been doing for the last 6 months, double gulp, August didn’t seem that far away until I started counting it on my fingers.
I’ve been updating every room in my house. Apparently the original owners didn’t upgrade anything when they had the house built. I even had gold door hinges and black door handles on every door! So I’ve been doing a project at a time. I wish I was close to finished, but I haven’t even scraped the surface…..c’mon Lotto!
I just finished a piece in my bedroom. I’ve been wanting to paint it forever. I’ve purged all the black furniture from my house. Trying to lighten things ups. My master bedroom still needs to be painted, but I thought I would share it with you, and maybe you can even give me some good suggestions on paint colors….hint hint…
This is the ‘new’ piece. Imagine it all black, and now tada!
I used La Craie Pecan, Amber wax and Renaissance Gold to create this. Not sure if you have heard about La Craie, but it’s the French equivalent of ASCP. They have 32 colors in their line up, it’s nice to have more choices. Plus I really like their paint and wax options. My sweet friend Shannon from Fox Hollow Cottage carries La Craie at her place, check it out.
Thanks for stopping by and for putting up with me…you guys have to do that a lot…xx
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Parties I frequent!
Hi Tammy! glad you're moved in and things are looking like home. now for my, gulp, oops...underneath a bunch of stuff, stuff and more stuff, I found a box that has a bunch of goodies destined for your husband. I really did think I'd mail that...MONTHS ago! I am totally embarrassed and I apologize! Please send me a PM with his mailing address; this week, it GETS MAILED!
Picking a color is so hard. I have yet to paint, but then we are only in our cottage just over 6 weeks, and we are waiting for Summer time to tackle the project... I have narrowed it down, but that was after hundreds of paint chips to choose from. I suggest taking a soft color from your bedding if you are planning on keeping it. For me I took colors from a painting for my future bedroom walls.
Thanks so much that's a really good idea I hope you're enjoying your cottage
It is a relief to be moved in, I sent you an email please let me know if you don't get it. Thank you so much for sending him this package I really appreciate it!!!
That looks so pretty Tammy. You did a gorgeous job on it. The room looks really pretty. Since you like color, what about a really pale grey? That'll go with everything!
Welcome back Tammy! Certainly sounds like you've got a big project with your new house! Your bedroom is looking good - nice and bright! Looking forward to seeing more of what you do!
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