
Friday, October 14, 2011

Shaklee Give Away Winners!!!

Okay are you ready for the winners?  Drum roll please....

1.  Stephanie, I don't have your email, and I couldn't find if you have your own blog. 
Did you mean to type "October" 7th for the winner announcement? :)
I'm a follower! Great giveaway!

2.  Lisa @ Before Meets After

3.  Chance @ Designed by Chance

4.  Connie @ The Crafterbug

Okay, so this isn't five, but I only had 4 friends enter.  I do have one left, the super generous Erin is donating 5.  If you want the last one, please leave a comment on this post and it's yours.  First come first served.  Thanks for everyone that entered! 

Please send me your home addresses so I can get your samples shipped to you!!!! 

Thanks to Erin @ Healthy Branscoms for making this give away possible!!!


Starr said...

Oh, I'd love to try that out!

Connie the crafterbug said...

What what? I am a winner really? This is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tammy!

Unknown said...

This is so cool. i can't wait to get my package. Thanks Tammy.

CLD said...

Hey Tammy....Thank you for visiting by blog and leaving such kind comments. Have a great weekend. Bobbie


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