
Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday's Measurements Week #3

Okay Week 3 done!!!  Woo Hoo!  It feels really good when I finish another week knowing I tried my best.  I can tell I'm getting stronger everyday, and working out is no longer a chore.  I really look forward to it now.  They do say it takes 21 days to make something a habit, I guess they are right.  Another bit of good news, the cravings are slowly going away. 

My new weight is 167 lbs, for a loss of 1 1/2 lbs and 3.25 inches in week three!  I think the weight loss would have been better, but it is 'that time of the month' for me.  Sorry if that is over sharing, but it does effect weight loss. 

This is all the pics this week  too, I just can't figure out the light and it's the only one that turned out.  Please ignore the hair, I just finished working out, so I'm a mess!  (I'm kind of always a mess...sigh.)

We'll start at the top and move down.

Shoulders 40/39.5 = -.5
Chest  37/36.5 = -.5
RT/LT Biceps  11.25/11~11/11 = -.25
Waist 31.5/31 = -.5
Hips 40.5/40 = -.5
RT/LT Thighs 24.25/23.75~23.75/23.25 = -1
RT/LT Calves 14/14~14/14 = 0

My total for the three weeks, 8 lbs and 11 inches!  Yippee, that much closer to shorts and swimwear!!!  Oh, and great health, it's like the icing on the cake!  (I miss cake, but not as much as last week!)

One last reminder, Live the Life is still giving everyone 50% off their products.  Just use the code "LIFE2LIVE" at checkout.

My GIVE AWAY is still going on too, I will announce the winners at my 'Anything Goes Party' on Wednesday.


Five Seconds From Crazy said...

Fabulous! Woohoo!

Pam @ Our Adventures in Home Improvement said...

Great job Tammy! You're doing so well. Keep up the good work!

Donnie said...

You are doing so great Tammy. I'm so proud of you.

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

skinnie minnie! Way to go Tammy! <3

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

The Family That Plays Together said...

Hi,Just jumped over from Meet-Up Mondays. This Blog is so cute! Looks like you have been doing many improvement on your home and yourself. Keep up the good work!

Our Banana Moments said...

Great work! I am hoping your efforts rub off onto me! - Banana said...

I thought you looked great even when you started lol!. I sure wish I looked like you did when you started. haha. But you are banging now girl! Way to go! Keep up the great work. You are inspiring.


Anonymous said...

Way to go!! If I can make 1 addition to taking measurements, weighing yourself & taking pics, you should have your body fat % measured. There are plenty of methods to do it, some are more accurate than others, but as long as you continually use the same method, you'll be able to gauge your progress that way as well. In my opinion, it's a much better way to judge progress than the # on your scale.

Angie said...

That's fantastic Tammy!! Keep up the great work! ;)

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo, Tammy! 11 1/2 lbs already?!! That's fantastic! Hope you had a nice Valentine's!



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