Ramsign GIVE AWAY!!!
The Bella Cottage GIVE AWAY!!!
Some yummies, just in time for the Holidays, enjoy!!!
The Bella Cottage GIVE AWAY!!!
Some yummies, just in time for the Holidays, enjoy!!!
Chocolate Chip Mousse Pie
3 cups Heavy Whipping Cream
Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding, it's in a bigger box, and requires 3 cups, if your box says it requires 2 cups, then you have the wrong package. (you don't have to make it with chocolate either, and pudding would work.)
1 Cookie Pie Crust, you can make yours, but I cheat and buy a premade one.
1 pkg Chocolate Chips, again you could use any kind of chip you like.
First measure out all the cream in a bowl and add the pudding mix. Use a fork to get all the clumps out before you use your hand mixxer, or you'll get clumps in the finished product.
Then when you've seperated it and all the clumps are gone add your hand mixer. You'll want to mix on the lowest setting until it pretty firm, this happens FAST! Make sure you go back and forth alot, again you don't want any clumps of dry pudding.
Finished pudding.
The scoop it in to the pie crust and spread it around until the crust is full, then pour your chocolate chips all over the top, until completely covered.
You can eat it right away, and only takes about 10 minutes to prepare, so it's a great last minute desert!
I make it all the time but it's perfect for the Holidays and your guests will think it took you forever to make!
Happy Holidays!!!!
Etsy shops don't forget to send me your buttons so you can advertise on my Etsy Shop Page. No charge, free for the entire month of December. When you send your buttons, if they are only JPEGs, make sure I have a link to your store!!!!

That looks amazing! I could use some right now! How easy but with a huge wow!
Wow, this looks amazing. Calories don't count in the month of December, right?
YUM! Definitely will be making this sometime soon!
So Yummy! Perfect for holiday eats. I'd love for you to link this up to me Feature Friday Linky Party
Looks fabulous and I bet it tastes super good too!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
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